What is the NComputing Management Portal?

NComputing Management Portal – Overview

NComputing Management Portal is a cloud-based dashboard where the admin can centrally review and manage their deployments.

And account admin can perform the following tasks related to their vSpace Pro deployment:
  1. Manage registered devices (e.g. S/N look up, hardware warranty expiration)
  2. Redeem and allocate software licenses (e.g. vSpace software client license, AMP license, extended hardware warranty license)
  3. Manage deployed vSpace Managers (e.g. unregister, allocate additional software licenses, review connected vSpace Server, and connected thin client devices & S/Ns)
  4. Review and  manage AMP compliance 
There are other features outside of the vSpace installation that can be performed from the NComputing Management Portal (refer to the screenshot below).

Management Portal Home Screen

A Management Portal account needs to be activated for the first time. In order to ensure that your account is fully active.

If you are doing this for the first time, log in to our www.ncomputing.com site with your credentials and click on the Management Portal tab. 
Click through the welcome screen until you arrive at the Management Portal home screen. (Shown in the image above).    

We recommend that you only have one unique central account for your organization. You can have sub accounts and different roles and levels of access for each account. This article will show you how: