How to use the Self-Serve Device AMP License Expiration Calculator

How to use the Self-Serve Device AMP License Expiration Calculator

About the Self-Serve Device AMP License Expiration Calculator

This feature provides a way for customers to determine the number of device AMP licenses they must purchase
to achieve a single expiration date. After purchasing the licenses the customer must use the pro-rated allocation
method to assign licenses to their devices.

Where to find it

Go to and login with your user credentials. Once you are logged in, you will see the Management Portal tab.

The Device AMP License Calculator can be found in the Purchase Licenses & Services section of the Management Portal.

From there, click the Device AMP License Calculator tab at the left of the window.  

How to use it

Once you land in the Device AMP License Calculator page, it will provide you with a summary of the current status of your account along with the mechanism to calculate a date.  
We provide you with the example below to better understand how to use this feature, we will break it down for you here:

In the summary above, notice how the system determines the total number of devices subject to device AMP licensing.

Also comes a reminder that once licenses are purchased, you will be able to use the Pro-Rated Allocation feature and, also, the expiration date calculated by this utility may be different from the actual allocation depending on changes to the devices. (e.g., new devices added).

From there, you can specify the desired expiration date, then click the CALCULATE button. In the example, the
desired expiration date is set to December 31, 2026.

Based on the date set, the system calculated that the purchase is for 137 NC-AMP-RXRDP-1A licenses to achieve a
consolidated expiration date of January 3rd, 2027.

Notice that the calculated date is different from the specified desired date, this is due that the system will not allow “fractions” of a
license, rather will work with "whole" numbers. In this example, to achieve an expiration date of December 31, 2026 a purchase is necessary for 134.73 of the license NC-AMP-RXRDP-1A. Therefore, the system determines the required number of “whole” licenses to meet, or, minimally exceed the specified desired date.

When the the  button is clicked, the purchase UI, with the calculated number of licenses will be displayed so that you may be able to proceed with the purchase.
Note: Purchases are final. No refunds or exchange terms apply to this purchase. There will be a checkbox to click confirming the terms are understood  before executing the transaction.

Allocating the licenses

After completing the purchase, you can return to the homepage of the Management Portal and find the new licenses in the My Licenses icon

Find your newly acquired licenses and click on ALLOCATE

You should be able to allocate the licenses as necessary to the eligible units.   

If you have any questions, please contact support