Why am I getting "This device has exceeded the 1-year software maintenance period and is not eligible for firmware update" message when I tried to update firmware?
If your RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ or RX420(RDP) device exceeded the first-year complimentary software update period, the device will display the following message when local firmware update attempt is made:
Each RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) device comes with a perpetual license of PMC device management software and first-year complimentary software maintenance update (AMP for RX-RDP/RX-RDP+/RX420(RDP)). The firmware updates includes features enhancements and bug fixes.

Please note:
1. If you purchase from a reseller, you will get a license key to redeem in your Management Portal account. The license key needs to be redeemed immediately.
2. If you purchase directly from the
Management Portal > Purchase Licenses and Services, there's no license key to redeem and your purchase will be automatically transferred to your account.
3. Once your licenses show up in your
Management Portal account, the licenses need to be allocated to the devices that need them.
This also needs to be done in a timely manner.
Once you purchase, redeem your license key and allocate your licenses you should be able to update firmware again.
REV 03.25
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