RX-series or EX-series devices. A brand new device experiences a delay to retrieve Device AMP status for firmware update.

RX-series or EX-series devices. A brand new device experiences a delay to retrieve Device AMP status for firmware update.


Right out of the box, an RX Series device must be connected to an Internet enabled network in order able to contact the Management Portal and confirm Device AMP status for firmware update. Sometimes you may experience a delay in retrieving Device AMP status, and therefore, firmware update is not possible without confirmation of Device AMP subscription. 


In the case of a brand-new device, during its very first time of use, the unit must be powered on and remain connected online for 30 minutes in order to trigger its communication with the Management Portal. Just be sure that the terminal is connected online and your security is allowing access to the following address: https://manage.ncomputing.com (port 443)

Once this first-time communication is done, then, during the subsequent boots, the device will update the device AMP status instantly. 

If further issues are experienced

Contact support. When entering a ticket, make sure that you enter the Serial Number of the unit and your Management Portal ID along with your  with your detailed observations on the issue.