Why are you making this announcement now?

Why are you making this announcement now?

The industry standard for depreciating thin clients provides for a maximum of 4 to 5-year lifespan. We are honoring this standard depreciation schedule by allowing devices manufactured from 2015 and later to legally connect to vSpace Pro Software.

That is why we are making this announcement that customers using legacy devices with a manufacture date before January 1st, 2015 are in violation of vSpace Pro’s terms of use.

vSpace Pro Server Software (including vSpace Pro 10.x, 11.x, vSpace Pro 11.3 LTS and vSpace Pro Enterprise Edition) is designed and developed by NComputing Global, Inc. and is exclusively licensed and permitted for use by NComputing devices manufactured from 2015 to the present.

The official terms are that NComputing thin client devices come with a perpetual right to use the version of vSpace software available at the time of manufacture of that device.

For example, vSpace version 6.9 was released in March 2013. Therefore, all devices manufactured in 2013 include the perpetual right to use that software version.

vSpace Pro Software was released in September 2016. Our policy is to allow devices manufactured from 2015 and later to legally work with vSpace Pro Software (including vSpace Pro 10.x, 11.x, vSpace Pro 11.3 LTS and vSpace Pro Enterprise Edition).