Update L Series Firmware in vSpace Pro
Update via vSpace console
- Make sure your L300 devices and at least one vSpace host are on the same ethernet subnet. Out of LAN updates could only be possible if proper configurations to the network have happen to accommodate UDP protocols to pass through. We have KB articles and the L300 / L350 user's manual that will cover this in depth.
- On the vSpace host system, launch the NComputing Console by navigating to: Start > All Programs > NComputing vSpace Console. Click on Manage devices.
- Click on the “Firmware Update” button on the top of the window.
- Select “Latest from LAN” device and click “Update”
- The terminal will go through it's firmware update cycle.
- Your firmware update is now complete. Please refer to the latest user manual for further information on other approaches to updating firmware.

Update via thin client device firmware menu
- Turn on the device.
- Click on Device Setup
- Click on the Update Tab
- On the Manual Update section, click on Update Now.
- Let the device go through the update cycle.
- Your firmware update is now complete. Please refer to the latest user manual for further information on other approaches to updating firmware.
If you need to update your L300 via FTP, we have an article
here on how to do it.
Do not interrupt the firmware update cycle as this may damage your device permanently. Damage to the device due to firmare update interruption may not be covered in the device's warranty.
Article: 1010
REV 12/17
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