Smartcard Reader support

Smart Card Reader Support in vSpace Pro

Scope / Overview

This article provides details on the enhanced smart card reader support available in vSpace Pro version 11.2.0 and later. It covers supported devices, setup instructions, and configuration settings for optimal performance.


Current versions of vSpace Pro offer smart card reader support, and it has been enhanced for RX300 and vSpace Pro Client for Windows. This update eliminates previous limitations and ensures seamless functionality for CCID-compliant smart card readers. Organizations relying on smart cards for single sign-on, access control, or security-related measures can now benefit from improved redirection and compatibility.

Smart Card Reader Support by vSpace Pro version

  1. vSpace Pro LTS version supports 'generic USB redirection' for smart card readers, and can only support up to 10 concurrent sessions using them.
  2. vSpace Pro Enterprise edition supports 'native USB redirection' for smart card readers, and will be able to support more than 10 concurrent sessions using them.

Smart Card Reader Support by Device

RX300 and vSpace Pro Client for Windows:

  1. No limit on the number of smart card readers per vSpace Server.
  2. Supports native, virtual-channel-based redirection.
  3. Overcomes limitations of Generic USB-based smart card reader redirection in earlier versions.

L/M/MX-Series Thin Clients:

  1. Maximum of 10 smart card readers per vSpace Server.
  2. Each connected smart card reader is redirected and mapped to the corresponding logged-in session.
  3. Smart card reader must have a driver supported in the host Windows OS.

Smart Card Reader Setup for L/M/MX/RX-Series Thin Clients

Configuration in vSpace Pro

  1. Open vSpace Console and go to Manage Servers
  2. Select your vSpace Pro server and navigate to the Settings menu. 
  3. Click on Performance Profiles and go to the Manage Custom Profile tab. 
  4. Click on the “+” icon to add a new device Performance Profile. A pop-up window will appear.
  5. In the pop-up window:
    1. Enter a profile name (e.g., Smart Card Profile). 
    2. Select RX-series and Software Client on a high-speed network or another appropriate device profile.
    3. Click ADD to create the profile.
  6. Select the newly created custom profile, scroll down to Enable Smart Cards, and choose Yes. Click Apply. 
    NotesNote: In vSpace Console, there is no separate option for enabling or disabling native smart card reader redirection. The “Enable Smart Cards” option within Performance Profiles controls both native and generic redirection, so it must be set to “Yes” for either method to function.
    Additionally if smart card authentication is required at the vSpace logon screen while using generic USB redirection, the “Load USB after logon” option in the Performance Profile must be set to “No”. This ensures that USB redirection is enabled before user logon, allowing smart card access at the login prompt.
    When using native redirection (available in vSpace Pro Enterprise), this setting is not relevant, as native redirection operates independently of USB redirection.

  7. Go to the Assign Tab, find your device model, select it from the drop-down menu, and save the selection.
  8. Ensure Enable USB Redirection is checked under the Peripheral Devices tab (default setting). 

Additional Configuration for RX300 Thin Clients

  1. If using RX300, an additional step is required:
  2. On the RX300 device, open RX300 Device Settings.
  3. Navigate to Peripherals.
  4. Set Peripheral Devices Redirection Settings to Custom.
  5. Toggle the Smart Card Readers parameter to Native.
  6. Click Apply to save the changes.

Additional Notes

  1. RX300 thin clients do not have a limit on the number of connected smart card readers per vSpace Server.
  2. Refer to the Release Notes of your current vSpace version for a list of supported CCID-compliant smart card readers.


The enhanced smart card reader support in vSpace Pro significantly improves usability and removes previous limitations. Proper configuration ensures seamless integration and functionality for organizations utilizing smart card authentication.

Need Further Assistance?
If you require additional support, please contact NComputing Support for further assistance.

Article Number: 498
Revision Date: 03/2025

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