How to Configure a VLAN100 via the Linux Prompt

How to Configure a VLAN100 via the Linux Prompt

Product Line:  VERDE

Steps to configure VLAN100 at the Linux prompt

You will have to create a ifcfg- file for your VLAN100.  You will
create a file named “/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vlan100 with the following information within this file.

You will enter at the root #]   vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vlan100    (hit enter)

Remember, when you are in ‘vi’ you will just type the letter ‘i’ for ‘insert mode’, so you can enter the lines below. 

To ‘save’ the file, click the ‘esc’ key, then enter ‘:’ and then enter ‘wq!’.  If you need to abandon the edit session, enter ‘q!’ instead.









<<<< =====  This is the IP address of the Verde server for the VLAN100 network



The “PHYSDEV” line is needed to tell the “ifup” script what device to attach the VLAN to. Once you've done this, “ifup vlan100” should bring up your vlan100 interface with the IP information specified above. “ONBOOT” says the interface should be brought up at boot.

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