Disable video acceleration

Distorted text, or flashing black boxes when scrolling

In some instances some Windows applications will trigger the NComputing Video Acceleration Engine, when the acceleration engine is active, often times, text can be distorted and page elements will not be accessible. 

Video Acceleration Scroll Protection:

If certain applications appear to be getting accelerated when scrolling a page’s screen up and down and this is not desired, you can instruct vSpace to specially process scrolling in such applications to prevent streaming in this situation.  Simply add the executable to this registry setting:

 [HKEY Local Machine > System > CurrentControlSet >Control > Multiuser > ScrollProtectNameList] 

Each program in the list must be separated by a semicolon. For example, “firefox.exe;excel.exe;”

If that does not resolve your distortion issues, the next step will be to exclude the application from video acceleration completely:

Exclude a Program from Hardware Acceleration:

If a program displays frequent “black box” flickering, it may be better to disable video streaming for that application.  To do so, simply add the application’s executable to the following registry key:  

HKEY Local Machine > System > CurrentControlSet >Control > Multiuser > ExcludeVideoPlayerNameList

Each program in the list must be separated by a semicolon. For example, “explorer.exe;firefox.exe;”

Article: 1025

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