Verde VDI Network Terms and Descriptions - NIC Teaming
Product Line: VERDE Introduction: The information contained within this document refers to the networking aspects of the VERDE VDI software solution being installed via a set of RPMs (program modules) on top of CentOS7. The following ...
Verde VDI Network Terms and Descriptions - NIC Bonding
Product Line: VERDE Introduction: The information contained within this document refers to the networking aspects of the VERDE VDI software solution being installed via a set of RPMs (program modules) on top of CentOS7. The following ...
VERDE VDI Network Terms - Networking with Dual-NICs
Product Line: VERDE Preface: The information contained within this document refers to the networking aspects of the VERDE VDI software solution being installed via a set of RPMs (program modules) on top of CentOS7. The following networking ...
Verde VDI Network Terms and Descriptions - Basic Networking - NAT and Bridge
Product Line: VERDE Introduction: The information contained within this Knowledge Base Article refers to the networking aspects of the Verde VDI User application being installed via a set of RPMs (program modules) on top of CentOS7. The following ...
Importing NETCFG.CSV Into VERDE as of VERDE 8.2.8
Product Line: VERDE As of VERDE 8.2.8, a different method of importing the netcfg.csv file has been developed as a workaround. 1. The netcfg file must be entitled netcfg.csv. 2. You must manually copy the netcfg.csv file to the following ...
Instructions for a WPAD.PAC File to VERDE DHCPD or Proxy Gateway
Produce Line: VERDE The following is the documentation on adding wpad.pac file to Verde DHCPD or Proxy Gateway: Steps to Modify the DHCPD Process for Including wpad.pac file #] cat dhcpd.conf.template ddns-update-style ...
Install VERDE (rpm) on Centos 7 with NIC Teaming
Product Line: VERDE NIC Teaming is a very nice networking feature that lets us use more than one adapter in a paired mode (team) for better speed and more redundancy. Here are instructions for TEAMING two NICs while installing Centos7 with VERDE. ...
Configuring LDAP (JumpCloud) only. No Active Directory
Product Line: VERDE It's rare to have a customer NOT use AD/Domain. But, it is supported. We've tested with OpenLDAP and JumpCloud LDAP. This article covers the VERDE Configuration to support JumpCloud only authentication. Or, depending on your ...
Configuring LDAP (OpenLDAP) only. No Active Directory
Product Line: VERDE It's rare to have a customer NOT use AD/Domain. But, it is supported. We've tested with OpenLDAP and JumpCloud LDAP. This article covers the VERDE Configuration to support OpenLDAP only authentication.
Update/Upgrade from Verde 8.2.4 to 8.2.7: Bridge: No Internet in the Gold Image Session.
Product Line: VERDE Known Issue: If you upgrade your VERDE system from 8.2.4 to 8.2.7 and you've implemented BRIDGE networking, you may have issues with the image not having Internet access. Easy Work Around: After the upgrade, evidently, the Domain ...
Discussion About VERDE VDI and Required Network Bandwidth
Product Line: VERDE Before we build VERDE VDI at a customer site, we generally consider the environment for the network. · It is necessary to predict how much bandwidth will be used and needed between the VM and the user device or end-to-end in ...
How to Implement VLANs on VERDE (rpm)
Product Line: VERDE As of this writing, a script has been developed to create the required NIC interface files and the appropriate configuration in support of VLANs. The target VLAN should be available and recognized on your switch. You will need ...
Adding VLANs to VERDE (rpm) networking.
Product Line: VERDE In order to implement VLANs, the customer's switch needs to be set up first to support the needed IP ranges. Once that's completed, perform the following for each VLAN: On the VERDE server, I do an ifconfig. It shows that VERDE ...
How to Manually Create a VLAN with VERDE (rpms)
Product Line: VERDE Currently, if a customer wants VLANx for their users. They must implement them manually. There's a command built into Centos: nmtui Verde servers on VLAN - guest images getting Server IP address PCs on IT in VLAN, ...
How To Enable BRIDGE networking with or without a DHCP server
Product Line: VERDE BRIDGE networking is a built-in feature of VERDE/VERDEOS. Instruction for enabling it in VERDE is different from VERDEOS, but it is very easy. Even when running on AZURE. Instructions: · Once VERDE is installed, run ...
How to RESTART the VERDE/VERDEOS Internal DHCP Service
Product Line: VERDE There may come a need to restart VERDE's DHCP service. To do so, perform the following: Shutdown all sessions. Stop VERDE service - "service VERDE stop" or "systemctl stop VERDE" for CentOS 7.x and above Check that dhcpd process ...
Implementing BRIDGE on VERDE (RPM) - Non-BareMetal
Product Line: VERDE Enabling BRIDGE in VERDE (RPM) is profoundly different from VERDEOS. Perform the following: Your network environment must have a dhcp server. Determine the name of your NIC VERDE is running on? As you can see in the screen ...
VLAN Prep Steps - Enable Linux Networking and Installing verde-brctl
Product Line: VERDE The following steps need to be implemented before enabling VLAN. Switching VERDE Node from Openvswitch to Linux Native: Disable openvswitch and enable “Standard Linux Network Configuration” (verde-menu -> 1 Network Configuration ...
VERDE VDI Session WorkFlow
Product Line: VERDE The following diagram displays the VDI Session Workflow:
Enabling VLAN in the VERDE 8.x environment
Produce Line: VERDE Steps for Existing Customers: Customer should switch all the nodes in their VERDE cluster to Linux Native Networking and install verde-brctl script in all the nodes. Full instructions are located at the following link: ...
Required NIC Interface Naming Convention
Product Line: VERDE Specific to VERDE (rpm's), the Network Interface must be named the same across all VERDE servers. Installing with VERDE rpm's, CENTOS 7.x takes liberties and renames the NIC. Here are instructions on how to configure the name ...
How to Configure a VLAN100 via the Linux Prompt
Product Line: VERDE Steps to configure VLAN100 at the Linux prompt You will have to create a ifcfg- file for your VLAN100. You will create a file named “/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vlan100 with the following information within this file. ...
VERDEOS Guest Images Have no Internet ACCESS and VERDEOS can't register with the Management Portal
Product Line: VERDE ISSUE: There's a temporary issue with VERDEOS networking. By default, VDI/Guest Images will no have Internet access as well, your server can't register with the Management Portal. A permanent fix is to replace the ...
Session Setting Naming Conventions/Requirements
Product Line: VERDE ***NOTE*** This is specific to VERDE Versions before 8.2 In multi-tenant VERDE implementations, please be aware it is a requirement to use unique names for each session setting across all organizations in the tenant landscape ...
How to Detect Which NIC Interface is cabled/connected?
Product Line: VERDE if you are looking for which eth# has a cable plugged in try: sudo ethtool eth0 | grep Link Given the aforementioned, if my eth0 NIC interface is being used, the following will result: [root@localhost ~]# sudo ethtool eth0 | ...
Advanced Network Topics
Product Line: VERDE The attached presentation reviews network concepts of bonding (LACP) and VLAN. Includes link to Cisco CCNA lessons on IP Addressing Includes an example configuration for Ubuntu 12.04 with bonded NICs, VLAN, and bridging.
NetAPP IP Dupe Detection – Lost Network Shares when using NAT Networking
Product Line: VERDE When the guest use NAT networking all CIFS connections in NAT mode come from the same IP, we suspect that NetApp starts disconnecting certain connections once newer connections come in. According to the following article, this ...
Win2003 Network Prioritizing
Product Line: VERDE ISSUE: Working with a customer that was having issues with writing data to a database that was stored on a Win2003 server we discovered the following. He was willing to install WireShark in his image/guest, and on an ...
Shutdown Suse Firewall
Product Line: VERDE ISSUE: Temporarily and Permanently shutting down the SLES firewall. It may become necessary to shutdown a Suse Server and/or SLES Image Firewall. If so, perform the following: To Shutdown the firewall: ...
How to Team Two NICs Together on the VERDE Server/NIC Bonding
Product Line: VERDE VERDE version: 6.6 SP2/7.0 Host/Server: VERDEOS Guest/Image: N/A Client/Workstation: N/A Often, there is a call to bond two NICs on the VERDE Server. This can be performed within the VERDEOS Menu. After configuring a single ...
VERDEOS - Changing from OVS to Native Linux
Product Line: VERDE It may become necessary to disable OVS and run on Native Linux. Here are instructions to do so: Standard Linux Network Configuration - VERDEOS From the Linux command line: - Login as admin - VERDE-Menu Welcome screen - Press "1" ...
NFS3 versus NFS4 Shared Storage (nobody:nobody)
Product Line: VERDE ISSUE: When configuring the VERDE shared storage, where the /home/vb-verde is stored, the subject directory and subsequent directories are owned by nobody:nobody and all VERDE activity fails.. NFS v4 mount may not allow ...
Active-Backup Bonding Cannot be set
Product Line: VERDE VERDE version: 7 Host/Server: VERDEOS Guest/Image:N/A Client/Workstation: N/A ISSUE: If you are trying to configure bonding on the NICs, every time the Option 1 is selected (active-backup) and the ENTER button is pushed, ...
Which Firewall Ports Need To Be Open?
Product Line: VERDE The VERDE User Console connections use outbound ports only, meaning that the client computers themselves (the computer where the user will launch a virtual desktop) can be behind a standard firewall or NAT device. If the VERDE ...
What Type of Networking Security Does VERDE Use?
Product Line: VERDE The VERDE system uses several levels of security for network communication, the ports and encryption levels depend on the following components: VERDE User Console: 128-bit TLS V1.2 (HTTPS) plus the encryption used by the display ...