Containers: Fast Access
Produce Line: VERDE With VERDE 8.3.4, there's a new function entitled CONTAINERS. Containers are made available to users via DESKTOP POLICIES. Containers provide Secure Browser access to users without requiring an Operating System A very useful ...
VERDE/VERDEOS - Remote Access- Allow USB Redirection Through the Firewall
Product Line: VERDE With the need for users to access Target PC's via VERDE's Remote Access feature; so is the need to be able to access a USB storage device connected to your current/local PC and upload the data to the Remote Accessed Target PC. ...
Solution for Windows Client/PC Telemetry Error
Product Line VERDE As of VERDE 8.2.7, the Windows Client Software has a recognized, occasional issue with the Telemetry pop-up error manifesting itself. Here are replacement clients that workaround the issue: ...
Active Directory Authentication With Remote Access Session
Product Line: VERDE Here is the way to configure Remote Access using an Active Directory Username as follows: FIRST, you must create a Verde Local User in Management Console with same Username and Password as the Active Directory Account In the ...
Issues Installing the 8.2.7 VERDE-Client on an Ubuntu Workstation/Client
Product Line: VERDE There's currently an error when installing the VERDE-Client on an Ubuntu Workstation/Client. To Resolve: You need to download the VERDE-Client to the Ubuntu Workstation Access the Terminal CD to location of the software ( if ...
Defining and Setting Up a Remote Access Session in VERDE
Product Line: VERDE This article provides a quick step-by-step Remote Access connection running in a current VERDE/VERDEOS environment. Have the following at the ready: The IP Address of the Target PC/Laptop Know the Target PC's user and password ...
Issues Installing the 8.2.7 VERDE-Client on a Centos7 Workstation/Client
Produce Line: VERDE There's currently an error when installing the VERDE-Client on a Centos7 Workstation/Client. To Resolve: You need to download the VERDE-Client to the Centos7 Workstation Access the Terminal CD to location of the software ( find / ...
RX-RDP with VNC Can Have Issues. Please Refer this Article
Product Line: VERDE A customer had the following issue: Using VNC, they accessed their RX-RDP client Once again, via VNC, they logged into the VERDE environment Selected their Win10 image The Image comes up, but the screen is black. Solution: The ...
Possible issues with Multiple Factor Authentication (MFA)
Product Line: VERDE This article is devoted to things you may encounter with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). After entering the 6 digit code, you see the following failure: MFA requires that the smart phone you're using to receive the 6 digit ...
In Support of VERDE's Remote Access: Wake-on-LAN (WoL) Target PC's Configuration
Product Line: VERDE By default, a workstation/PC that has RDP enabled works with VERDE's Remote Access (RA). But, if the target workstation is asleep, powered-off or in hibernation, RA will not be able to connect. The following directions will ...
VERDE Remote Access Licensing The Way It Works
Product Line: VERDE VERDE Remote Access - Setup - We now provide an OVA and VHD virtual appliance to be used to install VERDE to provide a fast and easy way to try the Remote Access feature. However, the other installation methods (RPM and ...
VERDE User Side Error Codes
Product Line: VERDE If we talk about the VERDE VDI client mode then we need to distinguish between two types of communication: User authentication and enumeration of VERDE VDI desktops. Terminal connections to VERDE VDI desktops. The RX-series GUI ...
How to Set Up RX-300 for AutoLogin
Product Line: VERDE Question: Can RX300 perform automated login to VERDE with predefined ID/password at power-on? Answer: Yes, you can provision the device to launch automatically. In the RX 300 configuration Window. Steps: 1. Select “VERDE VDI ...
If You Receive an Error Stating MSVCR100.DLL is Missing
Product Line: VERDE If after installing the VERDE-Client, you receive an error stating the the MSVCR100.DLL file is missing, go to the following web site: ...
Enabling RDP Client in the RX-RDP and RX-300 Thin Client Devices
Product Line: VERDE In order to be able to use "native RDP" or the RDP Client in the thin clients, there are settings that must be configured. First, from the VERDE Management Console. You must enable Direct RDP in the Configuration/General ...
Using VNC with RX-300 and RX-RDP
Product Line: VERDE There is a known limitation with VNC: The ‘/novcast’ custom parameter for the RDP connection allows the customer to VNC-shadow the RDP session, but it disables the vCAST technology, which is the main feature of the SuperRDP ...
How to Improve RX-300 and RXRDP's Font and Resolution
Product Line: VERDE It has been observed that by making the follow adjustments to your thin client device (RX-300 or RXRDP) you can improve the quality of fonts and resolution to the level of a regular personal computer (pc): From the configuration, ...
RX300 Support for External WiFi Adapters
Product Line: Following WiFi adapters have been tested and confirmed to work with RX300: Adapters based on Realtek 8192CU, 8192EU, 8188CUS chipsets. Sony UWA-BR100 802.11abgn Wireless Adapter (Atheros AR7010+AR9280). Other WiFi adapters are likely ...
Accessing the RX-300 and RX-RDP Linux Line Command to Collect the Client Logs
Product Line: VERDE On the RX300 device please do the following to collect the logs: Please open the Setup GUI, go to Peripherals section, select Custom settings and select ‘Native (RDP only)’ redirection for mass storage. Apply the settings. With ...
Instructions for using MAC with SPICE to access Linux and Windows Images
Product Line: VERDE As of VERDE/VERDEOS 8.2.1, it is now possible to access Linux and Windows images if you have a MAC, via SPICE protocol. To quote the engineer: Don't forget to install XQuartz ( before using the spice ...
VERDE 8.2 and MAC Client have Compatibility issues.
Product Line: VERDE There have been a few complaints that users cannot access VERDE 8.2 Guest Images with the MAC clients. By using the attached client software, the issue will be resolved. Download the attached VERDE user tools DMG file and ...
How to Disable SSL Communications between the VERDE-Client and the Guest Image
Product Line: VERDE For some users/customers, security isn't a concern especially between the client and the guest image. To disable SSL between the two, perform the following: Steps are here: 1) /usr/lib/verde/etc/server_xml.template you should ...
Verde Client Auto-logon / Windows and Ubuntu Line command VERDE Image startup
Product Line: VERDE As of VERDE 8.2.1, you can automate the VERDE-Client/Image startup by a line command on the user's client/workstation. This does require that the Verde-Client be installed on the pc/workstation. Following is a help sheet listing ...
3 VERDE/VERDEOS 8.2.x Android Hand Held Device Client Options
Product Line: VERDE With the VERDE/VERDEOS 8.2 release, there are new Android clients for hand held devices. The first 2 options, involve the Google Play Store. But, these you must access via your Android device. If you go to the Google Play Store ...
VERDE/VERDEOS HandHeld Devices Specific to Release 8.2/Build 14199
Product Line: VERDE The only way to login to the latest Verde version (Build 14199) from a Mobile device is that it currently has to be: Android devices This also requires the Commercially available Mobile app “aFreeRDP” is downloaded from the ...
Configuring RX-300 for VERDE
Product Line: VERDE RX300 For those of using the RX300 we have a new firmware drop, please update the firmware on your RX300. ...
Windows Installer Package Error (Windows 10 and Windows 8.1)
Product Line: VERDE If you attempt to install the VERDE-Client on your workstation, and you receive the following error: The problem is the Driver Signature Verification. To resolve, see the following link: ...
Client Error: MFPlat.DLL is missing from my computer.
If you attempt to start the VSpace client (installed with VERDE Client) on a Win764 bit client and the OS is Windows 7 N with Service Pack 1 and Windows 7 KN with Service Pack 1 (KB968211), you may receive the error: MFPlat.DLL is missing from my ...