What is Microsoft Teams Optimization and how can I enable it in AVD, Windows 365 and RDP sessions?
Microsoft Teams optimization refers to techniques and features designed to enhance the performance and user experience of Microsoft Teams, particularly in virtualized environments like Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD), Citrix, and VMware. The optimization ...
How do I register my RX-RDP+, RX420(RDP), RX440(RDP), and EX500 devices?
There are many benefits to registering your purchased RX-RDP+, RX420(RDP), RX440(RDP), and EX500 devices. There are multiple ways to register these RX and EX devices to your NComputing Management Portal account: PMC device management (most ...
Why should I register my RX-RDP+, RX420(RDP), RX440(RDP), and EX500 devices?
There are multiple benefits that come with registering your devices with the NComputing Management Portal: Registration automatically enables management using the NComputing PMC Endpoint Manager. Unlock the 1-year bundled software maintenance update ...
What is the general software maintenance update policy for RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP)?
Each RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) device comes with a perpetual license of PMC device management software and first-year complimentary software maintenance update (AMP for RX-RDP/RX-RDP+/RX420(RDP)) for any firmware updates including features ...
What are the functionality and specs differences between RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP)?
What is AMP for RX-RDP and RX420(RDP) and what does it cover?
AMP for RX-RDP and RX420(RDP) is a software maintenance plan which covers the following: PMC device management software and RX-RDP/RX420(RDP) thin client firmware updates 24x7 access to self-help & documentation Unlimited trouble tickets Live chat ...
Can RX420(RDP) and RX420(HDX) work with PoE?
There is a way to make RX420(RDP) and RX420(HDX), powered by Raspberry Pi4 platform, work with Power over Ethernet. An active PoE Splitter is required. For example, below is the picture of a typical Active PoE Splitter, PoE to Raspberry Pi 4 ...
Is it okay to shutdown an RX-series thin client by unplugging the power cord or power strip? No!
No. The RX-series thin clients are based on Raspberry Pi devices. By unplugging the power cord or power strip to shut it down, it can cause a variety of issues including corruption of the microSD card and file system. It is important that your ...
How to collect troubleshooting information for RX-RDP, RX420(RDP), RX300 and LEAF OS and submit to NComputing?
Please refer to RX-RDP, RX420(RDP), RX300 and LEAF OS user configuration guide for additional details: Collecting troubleshooting information In case when ...
Can RX300/RX-RDP/RX-HDX work with PoE?
There is a way to make RX300(or RX-RDP, RX-HDX) works with Power over Ethernet. Active PoE Splitter available from Amazon which is much cheaper and easier than Raspberry Pi PoE Hat circuit. For example, below is the picture of typical Active PoE ...
What is SuperRDP Server Pack and how can RX-RDP, RX420(RDP) and RX300 benefit from it?
SuperRDP Server Pack is an optional software add-on to your Windows host machine to boost the RDP protocol, powered by NComputing vCAST Streaming technology. vCAST Streaming, supported by RX420(RDP), RX-RDP and RX300 thin clients, reduces the overall ...
How to enable VNC shadowing on RX-RDP, RX420(RDP) and RX300?
Please refer to RX-RDP, RX420(RDP), RX300 and LEAF OS user configuration guide for additional details: Following settings can be used to configure VNC screen ...
How to configure screen savers and desktop wallpaper on RX-RDP and RX300?
Please refer to RX300 & RX-RDP user configuration guide for additional details: Configuring screen saver The RX300 and RX-RDP devices are equipped with a screen ...
How to connect directly to a Remote Desktop Sesion Host on RX-RDP?
Please refer to RX300 & RX-RDP user configuration guide for additional details: When an RX300 or RX-RDP device operates in RDP Client mode and is configured for ...
RX300, RX-RDP, RX420(RDP), RX440(RDP), EX500 and LEAF OS User Configuration Guide
For your convenience, here is a direct link for the configuration guide for RX300, RX-RDP, RX420(RDP), RX440(RDP), EX500 and LEAF OS products:
What custom RDP parameters does the RX-RDP support?
Custom RDP parameter options are supported when an RX-RDP device is operating in RDP client mode. The 'Custom parameters' option can be used to specify additional parameters (command-line options) for the FreeRDP client used by the device for ...
How to configure RX-RDP to support RD Gateway for the Remote Desktop Services deployment
The RX-RDP device supports RD Gateway for the Remote Desktop Services deployment. The device should be configured properly based on the different deployment scenarios as described below: Scenario #1: If the Remote Desktop Services deployment (besides ...
Using VNC with RX-RDP
You can enable VNC on your RX-RDP devices via the device local configuration (FW 1.8.+) Or via PMC
Where can I find the latest firmware for RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP)?
To ensure the best performance of your RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) device, please ensure you have the latest Firmware. You can find the latest RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) firmware from NComputing software download page: ...
Where to get SuperRDP Downloads
Where do I get SuperRDP Server Pack Software Downloads SuperRDP Server Pack software is provided as a standard Windows Installer (MSI). To obtain the latest SuperRDP Server Pack software you will need to login to the NComputing Management Portal by ...