Pre-Launch/Scheduled Launch Feature - New to VERDE 8.2.1

Pre-Launch/Scheduled Launch Feature - New to VERDE 8.2.1

Product Line:  VERDE

A feature has been added starting with VERDE/VERDEOS 8.2.1.  It's entitled Scheduled Launch.  For longtime VERDE users, it's basically an automated version of Hot Seating.  You can review the Knowledge Base Article regarding Hot Seating here:


To use the new, automated version, go to the Management Console/Configuration/PRE-LAUNCH/Scheduled Launch.  See the following:

Simply click on the CREATE NEW button and the aforementioned pop-up is displayed. 

  • Give a unique name.  Avoid special characters and spaces.  
  • Select Start Day or Days
  • Start and Stop Times
  • You actually have the option to select the time zone
  • The UserID associated with the available Images are derived from the current Desktop Policy assignments
  • Select the appropriate Protocol.  Given only Ubuntu 1804 image is available, the Administrator needs to select SPICE (see following screen shot)
  • The Import button allows for the Administrator to import/upload a .CSV file with a list of users and images.  This eliminates the need to scroll through the list of users and images; selecting one by one.  The format is username/desktop,username2/desktop.  Refer to the attached Sample.csv file.

Now simply press SAVE and the following results.  The specified user's image will start every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 0800 and shutdown 1600 (4 pm)