The minimum recommended RAM allocation for Secure Browser is 1,280MB and 2 Virtual CPUs.
It may be required to increase RAM allocation based on the type of web browsing required for the users.
Increasing Virtual CPU allocation is unlikely to have a significant impact on performance for Secure Browsers.
Note that multiple copies of Container (i.e., Secure Browser) Session Settings can be created to match user requirements.
The suggested strategy when deploying Secure Browsers it to start with the minimum recommendation of 1,280 RAM and 2 Virtual CPUs.
If issues such as slow performance, freezing or browser restarts are experienced in the Secure Browser Sessions then gradually increase RAM allocation to achieve the optimal settings.
Allocating excessive RAM will reduce the total number of concurrent Secure Browser sessions that can be supported by a VDI server.
***NOTE*** Microsoft Edge appears to be the best browser choice for optimizing RAM utilization.