NComputing - Using PMC on Microsoft Azure Marketplace

NComputing - Using PMC on Microsoft Azure Marketplace

NComputing PMC Endpoint Manager

Using PMC on  Microsoft Azure Marketplace

NComputing offers PMC as a preconfigured Linux Virtual Machines on Microsoft Azure Marketplace

This document has step-by-step instructions for deploying PMC from the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.





You must have sufficient permissions in your Azure account. During this process you will create a new Virtual Machine based on PMC from the Azure Marketplace.


Login to your Microsoft Azure account.

From the Azure Portal Home screen click Create a resource:

Type PMC in the Search text field and select PMC Endpoint Manager:

Click the Create button:

Here is the Create a virtual machine screen. See below for information regarding each section:

Project Details

Select the Azure subscription you would like to use for this virtual machine

Select an existing Resource group from the dropdown list and proceed to the next step. Alternatively, you can create a new Resource group by clicking Create new.

Instance Details

Enter a name for your new virtual machine.

Select an available Azure region that is most appropriate based on your geographic location.

Availability options – no infrastructure redundancy required is recommended. 

Image – do not change the preselected image.

Azure Spot instance – this is not recommended as you may experience temporary loss of connection to your virtual machine.

Size – the preselected option is recommended. 

Administrator account

This is used for accessing the Linux OS of the PMC virtual machine using SSH.

You must provide credentials to create the virtual machine. However, normal setup and operation of PMC does not require you to access the Linux OS using SSH.

Authentication type: Password is recommended

Enter a username. This username is only required when accessing the Linux OS using SSH.

Enter and confirm a password for this username.

Now click the Networking tab at the top of the screen:

Define Static IP Address

It is recommended that you assign a static IP address to your virtual machine.

From the Networking tab click the Create new button under the Public IP selection:

Then, select the Static assignment option:

Be sure to click the OK button at the bottom of the screen:

Now click Review + create at the bottom of the screen:

Azure will validate your selections. If validation is successful, you will see a screen similar to:

Click the Create button to initiate the process to create your virtual machine.

Access PMC

Azure can take 3-4 minutes to create your virtual machine. When complete you will see a screen similar to:

Click the Go to resource button.

Here are some of the details of your virtual machine:

We recommend that you “pin” this resource to your Azure dashboard by clicking the pushpin icon highlighted above

This screen shows you the Public IP address assigned to your virtual machine. You will use this IP address to access PMC and for configuring your devices.

Optional: You can assign your own domain name to this public IP address. If you assign a domain you can then apply your own certificate to bypass the browser warning message shown on the next page.

Open a new browser and go to https://<public IP address of your virtual machine>

Your browser will warn you about the certificate authenticity:

Click the Advanced button and allow the exception. You can now register PMC and start using the product:

end of document

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