Manually Mounting ... Customized Partitioning Is Required during Centos/RHEL Install

Manually Mounting NFS Shared Storage... Customized Partitioning Is Required during Centos/RHEL Install

Product Line:  VERDE

Before starting, run the following on the home server as root (not the NAS/NFS):
# yum -y install nfs-utils nfs-utils-lib

After mounting NFS share and creating entry in /etc/fstab and installing VERDE,  files are created on shared storage.

Here are examples of manual mount commands:

# mount -t nfs -o rw,noatime /home/vb-verde

mount -t nfs4 -o rw,noatime /home/vb-verde

Here are examples of /etc/fstab entry:        /home/vb-verde              nfs          rw,noatime,nfsvers=3    0 0 /home/vb-verde nfs4 rw,noatime 0 0


UUID=1fb615ff-157a-473c-8cb4-8021638d1f71 /home/vb-verde ext4 defaults,nofail 1 2

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