How to use 'Scheduled Tasks' feature in vSpace Console for scheduled reboot, shutdown or firmware update

How to use 'Scheduled Tasks' feature in vSpace Console for scheduled reboot, shutdown or firmware update

vSpace Pro Enterprise Edition (version 12.5.1 and higher) comes with vSpace Console ‘Task Schedule’ support for scheduled device reboot, shutdown and firmware update.

Below please find the instructions for each supported ‘Task Schedule’ use case:

(1) Scheduled device reboot (repeat schedule)

  1. Supported endpoints: L/M/MX-series and all RX-series thin clients (RX300, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP))


a. Create a device ‘Group’ in vSpace Console and add at least one device to the defined group.

b. Then click on ‘Reboot’

c. You will see the ‘Scheduled reboot’ option. Click on this option.

d. You will see the scheduler where you can setup repeat schedules. Click on the ‘i” Information icon at the lower left to see examples on how to configure repeating schedules.

(2) Schedule device shutdown (repeat schedule)
  1. Supported endpoints: All RX-series thin cients.
a. Select a device ‘Group’ you have already defined. Click on ‘Shutdown’ icon at the top and it will display the ‘Scheduled shutdown’ option.

b. Configure your repeating schedule. 

c. Refer to scheduled example below:

(3) Schedule firmware updates (single occurrence)
  1. Supported endpoints: L/M/MX-series and RX300 thin client.

a. Select a defined device ‘Group’, click on ‘Update Firmware’ icon at the top menu. You will see a ‘Scheduled firmware’ option. Please make sure your device group contain the same device type, so the same firmware can be applied to all devices. If there are other device models, then these other models firmware update action will be ignored.

b. This is a one-time event, so you will need to pick the date/time and other relevant information to schedule firmware update. 

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