VERDE version: 6.6 SP2/7.0
Host/Server: VERDEOS
Guest/Image: N/A
Client/Workstation: N/A
Often, there is a call to bond two NICs on the VERDE Server. This can be performed within the VERDEOS Menu.
After configuring a single network interface, configuration the other NICs as "slaves" to the first network bridge.
From the Network Configuration part of the VERDE-Menu, Select 2-Configure Networks.
If your NETWORK0 has already been configured and you have another NIC, you can select option 3 (this is usually eth1)
and then Option 4 - Slave for Bonded Network in the Nic Usage menu should be available for you.
The LACP (802.3ad) protocol MUST be loaded on the switch so the ports do NOT shut down.
VERDE supports Bond Modes 1 and 4.