· Enable VNC screen shadowing – this is the general switch enabling or disabling this feature.
· VNC screen shadowing mode – Full control or View only can be selected. With Full control the shadower can interact with the device GUI. With View only only screen viewing will be possible.
· Ask for user’s acceptance – with this option enabled the user will be informed that someone is going to shadow the screen and the user will have the options to accept or reject the request.
· Enable screen shadowing password – this option allows setting up an additional password, which the shadower will have to provide to be able to view the screen or control the device.
· VNC password – is the password which will have to be specified by the shadower when the Enable screen shadowing password option is enabled.
The VNC screen shadowing feature is mainly purposed to remotely view and control the local device GUI. When the device is running a terminal session some limitations apply and the screen shadowing might end-up with a black screen being displayed in VNC viewer application. This happens because of the optimized (hardware-accelerated) display drawing methods used in some scenarios. The display data bypasses the traditional frame buffer then and can’t be shadowed with VNC.
Scenario | Primary screen shadowing | Secondary screen shadowing |
Local device GUI, no SDA connected | Possible | N/A |
Local device GUI, Pi0 SDA connected | Possible | N/A |
Local device GUI, DisplayLink SDA connected | Possible | Possible |
Local device GUI, N-series SDA connected | Possible | N/A |
vSpace (UXP) session, no SDA connected | Impossible | N/A |
vSpace (UXP) session, Pi0 SDA connected | Impossible | Impossible |
vSpace (UXP) session, DisplayLink SDA connected | Impossible | N/A |
vSpace (UXP) session, N-series SDA connected | Impossible | Impossible |
RDP full-screen desktop session, no SDA connected | Impossible | N/A |
RDP full-screen desktop session, Pi0 SDA connected | Impossible | Impossible |
RDP full-screen desktop session, DisplayLink SDA connected | Possible | Possible |
RDP full-screen desktop session, N-series SDA connected | Impossible | Impossible |
RDP RemoteApp application session, no SDA connected | Possible | N/A |
RDP RemoteApp application session, Pi0 SDA connected | Possible | N/A |
RDP RemoteApp application session, DisplayLink SDA connected | Possible | Possible |
RDP RemoteApp application session, N-series SDA connected | Possible | N/A |
N/A – not applicable.