In some restricted network environments direct access to the Internet is blocked and a the network devices must go through a proxy server to access the Internet. The RX300 and RX-RDP devices need to communicate with the Internet when using the vCAST Web Streaming technology in vSpace (UXP) sessions or in RDP sessions on RD Session Hosts with the NComputing SuperRDP extension software installed. Also the PMC device management server or the web or FTP server hosting the device firmware can be placed in the Internet. The RX300 and RX-RDP device connected to restricted networks can use an Internet Proxy in the above mentioned scenarios.
Following Internet Proxy settings can be configured:
· Proxy settings – No proxy or Use proxy. No proxy (which is the default setting) should be selected when unrestricted (direct) Internet access is possible. Use proxy must be selected when Internet connections must go through a proxy server.
· Address – the address of the proxy server. Can be specified as a hostname, FQDN, or IP address.
· Port – the port number of the proxy server.
· User name – name of the proxy user when the proxy server requires user authentication.
· Password – proxy user’s password.
Note: The specified Internet proxy will be used for HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP connections.