How Does VERDE React When Various Services are Restarted

How Does VERDE React When Various Services are Restarted

Product Line:  VERDE

This  article provides information about how restarting various services in VERDE impacts the VERDE behavior.

If you need to restart only the Web application you can do it without risks of loosing guest sessions.  Use the following command:

            verde-start-tomcat.h restart

If you need to only restart the verdecmd process,  just simply kill the current one.  The service will automatically start a new one.

If you need to restart the licsrv service, do the same way as for the verdecmd.

When you just restart the CM - you can loose the guest sessions on the VDIs.

If you restart the CM and there's a Candidate all rights get transferred from CM to CMC.
            service VERDE restart   (or)   /usr/lib/verde/bin/rc.verde restart

But when you have a standalone CM and you restart the Cluster Master,  you risk socket losses.

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