How are recent L-series and RX-series devices affected by the new vSpace Pro compliance Policy?

How are recent L-series and RX-series devices affected by the new vSpace Pro compliance Policy?

If all of your NComputing devices were manufactured after January 1st, 2015 then you are not affected by this vSpace Pro compliance policy. You may continue to use the standard vSpace Pro Software (vSpace Pro 10.x, 11.x, 11.3 LTS). Remember that vSpace Pro Enterprise (premium version) requires AMP subscription.


If your environment has a mixture of older (manufactured before Jan. 1st, 2015) and newer (manufactured after Jan. 1st, 2015) devices or all of your devices are older (manufactured before Jan. 1st, 2015) then some or all of your deployment may be affected. Please read carefully:


If you plan on using vSpace Pro version 11.3.2 (to be released on July 1, 2019) or later and do not have sufficient AMP or Aged Device Connection licenses then the service disruption will be limited to only those older devices manufactured before January 1st, 2015. Those older devices will not be able to connect to vSpace Pro Server. In addition to many improvements vSpace Pro version 11.3.2 and later includes advanced logic to detect the age of the device attempting a connection. 


However, if you are using vSpace Pro version 10.x, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2 or 11.3.1 and do not have sufficient AMP or Aged Device Connection licenses then the service disruption may effect your entire deployment regardless of device age. In this case, all of your devices will not be able to connect to vSpace Pro Server. The older versions of vSpace Pro 10.x, 11.0, 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3.1 do not include the advanced logic to detect the age of the device attempting a connection and therefore the disruption is not able to discriminate based on the device age. To minimize the system-wide impact, we encourage you to upgrade to vSpace Pro 11.3.2 LTS when it becomes available on July 1, 2019.

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