Where can I find the latest firmware for RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP)?
To ensure the best performance of your RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) device, please ensure you have the latest Firmware.
You can find the latest RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) firmware from NComputing software download page:
There are multiple ways you can update RX-RDP firmware:
- via FTP Server
- via HTTP URL
- via connected USB memory stick (supported on a RX-RDP device with firmware 2.9.1 and higher versions)
- via PMC Device Management software.
You need to login to the NComputing Software download section to retrieve the correct file. As of October 22, 2020, the latest RX-RDP FW version should be 3.4.4. The latest RX420(RDP) and RX-RDP+ FW version should be 1.10.10.
Important note:
After the first-year complimentary AMP for RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) has expired then the RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) device can only receive firmware updates from PMC. Furthermore, extended AMP for RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) licenses must be purchased and allocated to each RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) device to allow PMC to push firmware updates.
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