What should I do if I see 'PMC is not ready yet' message after upgrading PMC to a newer version?

What should I do if I see 'PMC is not ready yet' message after upgrading PMC to a newer version?

If your PMC 3.0.x or 3.1.x appliance has in the past been for any reason disconnected from the NComputing Management Portal (e.g. by using the [Disconnect] button on the PMC Administration > Licensing page, by using the DISCONNECT feature in the My PMC Installations section of NComputing Management Portal, due to Management Portal API error, etc.) and then activated again, then it is possible that the versioning part of licensing information stored in PMC database has been lost. This may cause a problem with starting the PMC service after the in-place update, resulting with the never-disappearing “PMC is not ready yet” message in web browser. To avoid this issue, please perform the following steps before proceeding with the in-place update procedure on the affected PMC appliances:

·        Connect with an SSH client (e.g. PuTTY) to the IP address of your PMC appliance and logon as the 'root' user. 'pmcadmin' is the default ‘root’ user password.

·        Invoke the following commands to clear the PMC licensing data and to restart the PMC service:


sudo -u postgres psql -d ncomputing_pmc -c 'truncate pmc.activation'
systemctl restart 


·        Reload the PMC page in web browser and reactivate PMC.